Prakash Jayakumar MD, PhD is an orthopaedic surgeon, Assistant Professor of Surgery and Perioperative Care and Director of Value-Based Health Care and Outcome Measurement Innovation at the University of Texas at Austin, Dell Medical School. Prakash is dedicated to the value-based transformation of health systems and leading change through health systems and outcomes research, digital health innovations, and health care policy and practice transformation. The focus of his work involves the development and implementation of integrated whole-person care delivery models driven by technologies, including patient generated health data, wearable sensors, real time activity tracking systems, and artificial intelligence at the point-of care. His work aims to improve decision support for patients and care teams, care pathway design, performance measurement, and ultimately the capability, comfort, and health behaviours of patients and populations. Prakash achieved his medical degree from Kings College London, PhD from Oxford University, and Harkness Fellowship from The Commonwealth Fund.