Michael Seo is Strategic Healthcare Consultant for Roche Diagnostics and private health entrepreneur based in Nairobi, Kenya.  He has opened clinics and laboratories to address the clinical, business and social challenges to sustainably offer quality affordable care in low resource settings.   The ReaMedica child and maternal health clinic was one of the first in Kenya to pilot a task-shifting model where nurse-midwives performed limited obstetric screenings at 30% less than imaging facilities. The service pricing model was selected as a JNJ Accelerator grantee for innovation in health services delivery. Prior to his work in Africa, Michael was with the Health Community Team of the World Economic Forum.  He has researched and written for Oxford Analytica, Huffington Post, Stanford Social Innovation Review, the Economist Intelligence Unit, Kaiser Permante International and Fast Company on global health and social innovation. He holds an International Master’s in Health Leadership from the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, a Master’s in Global Leadership and Management from the World Economic Forum and an MSc from the London School of Economics. He is a Royal Society for the Arts, Commerce and Management Fellow and a World Economic Forum Global Leadership Fellow alumni.