Innovation and Quality Deputy Director of the Cruces University Hospital (Osakidetza – Basque Health Service). She has a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Deusto, and a Master in Business Innovation Management. She began her professional activity in quality management 24 years ago, she has been working for more than 21 years in the health sector. She coordinates the implementation of Value-Based Medicine in her Hospital, in pathologies such as Prostate Cancer, Stroke, Breast Cancer, Cleft Lip and Palate, Chronic Inflammatory Digestive Disease, or Knee, among others.

She is the official trainer of the “6 Thinking Hats” (E. de Bono), in creativity and lateral thinking techniques. She trained in Patient Experience, Design thinking and LEAN Health.

In addition, she is a teacher in the Master of Health Management and Value-Based Health Care Delivery at the University of Deusto Business School (DBS), as well as other master’s degrees and management programs.