2024 Addressing outcomes disparities and Emerging Topics in Healthcare

  • Abstract Details

  • Submitter's Information

  • Abstract Submission

  • - Abstracts must be submitted in English
    - Abstracts must not exceed 600 words (excluding tables, figures and images)
    - All information (including tables, figures, charts, images etc) must be included in a single submission.
    - Tables, figures, charts, images etc can be included in the submission using the upload function at the bottom of this form


    Describe the topic you are addressing and what the goal of this project is. Describe why your organisation decided to become involved in outcomes measurement.
  • Methods

    Clearly describe the intervention identified to address the problem articulated above and how ICHOM measures were utilized.
  • Results

    What did you find? Include statistical analysis of your results.
  • Conclusions

    What did you learn? Please describe the role of ICHOM measures in your research. What were the limitations of your study? Next steps: what are some of the learnings from this project, which may inform any future work around outcome measurement?
  • Ethics

    If ethics approval was required for the work, please state if this has been obtained
  • Conflicts of interest

    Who has funded your research? Is there any competing interest which could be connected with your work (advisory roles or business interests etc)?
  • Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it and stored in line with our privacy policy
  • Upload Tables, Figures, Charts and images.

  • Max. file size: 20 MB.
  • Note: The file size is limited to 20MB. If your file is larger than this please contact A.clements@ichom.org.
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